It's time like this where I will drift further away from reality and back to MY world.
It's once again I will nerd about things that doesn't concern anyone
It's once again where you can ignore these (useless & meaningless) posts of mine
Well then,
I did said before that I wouldn't go into mainstream anime but guess what, that's not going to happen anytime soon for I just watched a mainstream anime(mainstream to me anyway) - Kuroshitsuji.
Why? I have a thing for butlers and Master-Servant relationship. Yes, I am late with the anime/manga and everything. The thing about that anime is it doesn't really interested me because of it's dark theme. When I first saw the manga, it just doesn't interest me. I had a feeling this anime is confusing and it sure was!(for me anyway) I thought I would stop watching it after episode one but no, I continued till the end.
Sebastian sure knows how to keep me entertained :D Yes, I am quite confused but I will try to catch up on the manga.
Then comes season 2. Okay I admit it. The reason why I watch this is so I can watch Claude. Lame reason I know but I have a fetish for Butlers and Glasses so...It doesn't make me any happier from the fact that he died.
Knowing me; someone who had TOO MUCH time on her hands, I took a few screenshots from the anime just because. These were taken from Season 2.
Man, this can be like a shampoo ad or something. Sebastian sure knows how to seduce a guy
PMS Butler. Don't mess with him.
Honestly, I like the fact that he was being tentacle rae- I mean, constricted by those vines. It is funny that he couldn't get out from there since I thought he could(maybe it's unbreakable for demons idk). Like hey, you're looking at someone who could stop a train with ONE hand and do ANYTHING, PERFECTLY.
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks tentacle raep Sebastian is hot. Oh Grell, you're so gay for Sebby.
Sebastian death glare on Grell. His way of saying "Get me out for this vines or I'll kill you.
Dear Claude, you raepface scares all the little boys(and me) away
I've experienced the EXACT same thing like the picture above except the person's aura is not as scary as Sebastian but I can just imagine if it is*shudders* To end it off, let's have some butlers + water combo eh?

o\\\\o SO HOT! Claude looks good with or without glasses. The subtitles are such bother >_< They should fight more but too bad. Claude is dead. *sigh*
SCHOOL UNIFORM FOR GUYS ARE SO HARD TO DRAW!! I want to make it seem RPGs but it either doesn't make sense or it's just plainly retarded *sigh*
i am who i am
8:09 PM
Went out with Shaun today to do some shopping. Met at Dhouby Ghaut, went into those figurine shops. Atelier Rorona is out. The bad news. I have no PS3 so I shall go sit at the corner and draw circles now. I REALLY REALLY want to play that game. After we bought stuff, I wanted to go to Forever 21 at Somerset. My plan was to walk there but...
Me: I think it's raining. (I haven't seen how heavy the rain was at that time.)
Shaun: It's okay. I can stand a little rain.
Me: Yeah...
Us:Okay,let's just take the trainBought earrings for Veena because I feel bad the last time and she really wants it. After that, went to Kinokuniya to look at Artbooks. I wanted to buy an Artbook but I don't know how it will look inside and I don't want to risk buying something I won't like. Ended up not buying anything. Went to Far East and on our way there, I met Veena so I gave her the earrings. Shaun owes me $1 because he said that if I met anyone I know, he will give me a dollar. I know it's a cheap offer but monay!
At Far East, I bought 2 fake glasses to satisfy my glasses fetish. Now I feel happy.
Money spent = $10
You cannot really see it but it's a purple and red glasses.
Then, I had a dilemma. Since I'm going back to Kino/PS, I WANTED SOMETHING! ANYTHING! The artbook or Sebastian nendoroid. I wanted the artbook because it's an artbook and I love look at pretty pictures. I want the Nendoroid because he is a butler and it will satisfy my butler fetish. Shaun threw several questions to help me make a decision but it's quite hard because it's pretty much one sided. I mean with questions like Claude(butler from Kuroshitsuji 2) or Artbook, it's pretty hard to choose.Why? CLAUDE WEARS GLASSES D:
In the end, I decided to get the nendoroid. So you think my dilemma just ends there?
I stayed at the shop for AN HOUR trying to make a decision. WHY? Ciel was there. Sebastian's extra hands is inside Ciel's box (Why does it sound so wrong? XD) It's more fun with the Master and Servant. It's more fun to make Sebastian pose something more. But oh look, if I buy both...goodbye money! So, I had several options...
1) Buy the Sebastian Nendoroid
2) Buy both Master and Servant
3) Scrap them both and buy Basara Coin figurine
4) Walk out of the shop with NOTHINGwhich was not very helpful either. I settled with option number one at last.

I know I'm late with this. I never really paid attention to butlers until now. My fetishes are getting more weirder as time goes by. Poor guy fell on the escalator T_T I shall protect you ~
Money spent = $65But if Claude were to come out as well, I will definitely get him. GLASSES! After wards, went to Cotton on and bought 2 tops.
Money Spent = $30 + $1 donation = $31Went home feeling good that I'm able to spent random stuff again. Sometimes, I JUST WANT TO BUY LOTS OF STUFF.
Total Spent = $106. sigh.
I drew a bit few days ago. I forgot to scan them in.
Too busy reading/watching Maid-Sama and fangirling about Kanou to care. 
I hate boobs. Nuff said. Wait, did I just draw girls?
Coloured version of Butler

So plain...So boring...Temporary design. I think.
Name: Aiden Rowland,
Age/Gender: 17 years old, Male.
Likes: Cooking, Cleaning, Playing the violin and tea.
Dislikes: Violence but will not hesitate to kill if needed to or if his Master tells him to. Still not very sure about the story. Need to fix more stuff. I need to draw his bitch Master.
But who gives a damn about my characters right?
i am who i am
9:04 PM
I know I am quite late to say this but
I get my beauty sleep, not having to worry about assignments and deadlines and most importantly,
I GET TO EAT! I only ate like 1 meal or none during SP.
FridayMy team was the first to present at 9.30AM. We were late for 10 minutes so there goes our marks. Our presentation was also a BIG FAIL but luckily, the comments from our lecturers were good except the part that we were LATE. I guess it's a good thing. After that, I went to the next room to complete all our work. Went out to lunch with Carol at Hougang Mall. Our shoes were killing us both but it was worth totallly it! We had a proper meal at Qiji, Carol bought me this most annoying pen and a pen that is in the shape of a chocolate bar. Thanks btw <3 Followed her to the DVD store at her house because they were closing down and had a clearance sale. I didn't buy anything. Went home afterwards and had a nice nap.
Did I mention that we both FAIL on that day?
- I almost went to the
MALE WASHROOM if Carol didn't stopped me. She almost didn't though D: HOW COULD YOU?! I GAVE YOU MY DRAWINGS! Actually, I did stepped into the Male washroom.
- At Hougang Mall, she was so happy to get her comics that she TOTALLY forgotten about her laptop which she had left it in the comic shop. She only remembered that she had forgotten her laptop when she was in the bus. We had to stop somewhere,cross the road, take the bus 72 and go back to Hougang Mall. Take that Carol! Karma hits you like a bitch!
SaturdayWent to Cousin's house. I'm lazy to type anything. I eat a bit and emo-ed in her room until I had to leave.
SundayOpen house at yours truly. I am the most fail host ever XD Spilled drink on the floor in the living room all the way to the kitchen. Couldn't be bothered to socialise with others. Wow, I fail at life.
Drew this a few days ago.

New Nameless Character most likely. He is a butler. I have a Butler Fetish. Shut up.
I should stop drawing animu all the time. I should also learn to draw properly too.
i am who i am
6:26 PM