Totally ignoring what needs to be done right now and watched Hetalia parodies instead HURR. I like Roderich(Austria) all of a sudden. MOAR HURR
Anyway yesterday, went to Cosfest with Carol. Met her at the Mac near our house for breakfast. Off to Cosfest at around 11.20AM. At the bus stop, this little boy was playing with something that makes a LOUD and IRRITATING noise. Had to endure 15 mins of pure torture. When the bus arrived, I was glad that there won't be any noise anymore.
We sat at the upper level of the bus and this idiot was blasting his music loudly. Okay, seem "normal" enough...
As if that was not bad enough, we had to endure this torture from Hougang ALL THE WAY to PASIR RIS interchange. Everyone on the upper deck began to take out their earpiece because of that
bastard. You sir, needs to get kick in the balls.
Reached there, went to look around at the booth. We were totally fangirling over stuff. I ended up buying 4 keychains and 5 badges. Vocaloid, Hetalia and Gundam 00. I wanted to buy more (Especially for the Gundam 00 character keychains) but I couldn't make my decision on what I want since EVERYTHING IS JUST SO CUTE and I don't want a lot of my moolah to fly away ~ We stayed for about an hour for the performance and we planned to go until one band started playing the song "Butterfly" and made everyone hyper! I was so hyper because Digimon is like one of my favourite childhood shows and not to mention the song!
We walked around some more and one of the print I wanted was sold out D: We went home at around 4pm but of course, Carol had to take some photos of cosplayers. I didn't though so boo me.
Took the bus home. Thank god it was peaceful. I followed her to Hougang Mall to get her spray mount and I got myself some waffles. Reached home and did Colour Theory. Stupid mounting took me the whole night. It still sucks though but I think it sort of improved from my first mounting. MUST LEVEL UP!
Anyway, some pics.

The things I've bought. I also bought a Kaito shirt but didn't take the pic. I wish they had a size S or XS of Miku shirt so Carol can buy it and we can go out wearing those shirts.
Carol = Miku supporter,
Me=Kaito supporter. What a bunch of nerds!
In case if you can't see, the center badge is a song called "Cantarella". I don't really want to buy the badge but I LOVE THE SONG so I bought it. Carol bought that too. I don't know why I bought an Austria badge(The first from the right)but I think it has something to do with that Hetalia Meme I did long ago. Bought the America keychain because he's too cute there orz! He's not even my favourite character!
At first, I saw Hallelujah and it's not fair that I didn't buy Allelujah so...Damn now I'm regretting for not buying the whole cast.
My favourite get of yesterday...

ALLELUJAH WHY MUST YOU BE SO CUTE?! BAWWW!! I need to get back to work.
i am who i am
6:52 PM