-uses revival potions on dead blog-
How long has it been since my last update ANYWAY?! I didn't even managed to blog during my "holidays". If you asked me how my holidays were, well, it was anything but
HOLIDAY for that matter.
Yes. In fact, it was a 2 weeks worth of
HELL and
INTENSE workload! Okay okay so I overdid my POGD but, but...I can't help it! But before that, on the 23rd June, Carol and Veena took the effort okay maybe A LOT of effort to ask me out. You know, I'm a person who hates to go when there are a lot of things to be done. But nevertheless, I did go out after a lot of persuasion.
However, we weren't sure where to go. They just want me to get out of the house. So what happened was, we walked back and forth from Marina Square to Suntec City to Marina Square again for dinner. Had dinner at Manhattan. The Fish and chips was good

was forced to open my presents.
Their objective: Observe my reaction when I opened my presents
My reaction: Pretty much...monotone...
BUT I LOVE DA PRESENTS!! <3<3<3<3 THANK YOU SO MUCH! Now Xenon and I can be together forever~
Then, Carol helped me ask for a free brownie. Since it was my birthday I got a free brownie. I usually hate brownies but this one is different! They wanted to sing me a birthday song but, IT'S TOO EMBARRASSING!

After that, went to Vivo, takes some pics and went home. I reached home at 12am. But it was fun to see an empty shopping mall. Makes me just want to shout and run about.
24 JuneCarol promised me that if I went out the day before, she will come to my house to do our assignment. It was a WORK day for us! Somehow, she got Vocaloid - Miku fever and we attempted to sing the song "Melt" which obviously FAILED!
I did my POGD cut scenes storyboard. It was hell! It was absolute torture. Now whose idea was it to put loads of cut scenes inside my game concept?!
My WIPs.
My piles of storyboard without the dialogues. I can't believe I spent 2 whole weeks on this!
I can't really remember what really happened because basically, we just do work.
25 JuneWent to the print shop at Bras Basah with Shaun to print the A3 templates for our storyboard assignment. He gave me a big tin of Hello Panda as my birthday present. Went to print stuff, went to Art friend and get some paint. The usual stuff. Went home afterwards.
Rohaizad and Carol insisted on coming to my house.Met Rohaizad at Hougang Mall and bought some Takoyaki and Ramly burger. Okay so he bought it for all of us so thanks! It was rather late but they managed to come my house for awhile. Carol and I made Rohaizad watch Kaito ga Uninstall and in the end, we were all in the Uninstall mood and kept listening to the song over and over again as well as attempting to sing it. But hey, I did my work alright. Carol ended up playing with my vocaloid figurines and camwhoring!
I stayed up untill 5AM doing my storyboard assignment with KAITO to accompany me.
I don't know how to take pics clearly with my camera phone. It always comes out blurWas inspired to listen to Kaito songs thanks to them. Listened to
Oyasumi no Uta. OMG I was actually tearing listening to that song. KAITO you're so sweet even if you're just a program and even if you are voiced by an old person who is old enough to be anyone's father.
Anyway, that concludes my "awesome" holidays. *sigh*
i am who i am
6:30 PM
So I'm back now. Still busy as ever but I think I can finish my work before the holidays end! Sacrificing my social life for work sucks though but hey, sometimes sacrifices are needed to gain something right? *coughFullMetalAlchemistcough*
Update about my work life again...
Okay so, for POGD, I'm left with the 2 more cutscenes, game level,game sprites and GDD I guess. YES! Like finally! Damn thing and my OCD for colouring the characters. I took a screenshot of my HARD WORK. Lol I'm that bored. My painful memories of having to draw old men that LOOK THE SAME!
Main character, 1st boss > last boss. 2nd and 4th boss are the same people. He is just nuts. The boring trio are just normal thugs
I got carried away with the cake. I know most of the characters look the SAME! Whatever! I tried to do a height chart which failed because they are not standing in the same position. Haha I can't draw people facing the right side or older men or fat people for that matter. orz
How un-colourful are my characters?
Guess I should begin on my final cut scene soon where I will be drawing more Little boys :D. YOSH!
I wonder when I will be able to go out again...
i am who i am
3:40 PM
A little quick update. Let's see my progress for so far for my assignments...
POGD- 2/5 major cut scenes done
- 7/9 characters lineart and coloured. The other 2 is in lineart form
That's basically it D:
- Colour weapons and items (Done sketching)
Storyboarding- Sketching of concept (in progress)
What I have to do: Finalise it.
Colour Theory
NOTHING!!! D: I shall do the the value studies soon...
I hope to finish them soon. D: Back to work. Bye people.
i am who i am
1:19 PM
3 characters down, 6 more to go. I can do this. I can!
This is how I feel at this moment


Damn the pic is not "crazy" enough to even illustrate how I feel. Ah well.
i am who i am
9:50 PM
So, the world cup is finally here after 4 years of waiting. I bet those fans are so excited about this event. The late night matches and the satisfaction of having their favourite team, scoring a goal. But you know what?
It is because of this that I couldn't sleep at night. It doesn't help if you have brothers watching it. Seriously, fuck FIFA. Just FUCK IT! I don't fucking care which team had won or lost. I don't care if they kill each other. I SERIOUSLY couldn't be BOTHERED!! /rage
That's not the only issue. I can't talk to anyone in the house without them ignoring me because they are too caught up with the stupid matches. If that's what they want, FINE THEN! TWO CAN PLAY THAT GAME!! I am totally, ignoring everyone in the house until they realised that I've been completely ignoring them or until the WHOLE event ended. Fuck Fifa. Fuck people who ignored me. I don't care if whoever reading this is a football fan because that is how I feel at this moment.
ANYWAY, I'm so busy with assignments!! Being a masochist that I am, I went to colour my characters in SAI for the sake of the presentation. I don't like showing my characters in black and white. It is not very interesting. I remembered that I still have 6-7 characters to go. DAMN IT!! The rest will be adults! MY WORST NIGHTMARE!!
Also, if that's not enough, I also asked myself for more punishment by doing so much drama for my game that I have to draw ALL the storyboard for the drama!! I am done drafting the first scene. Just need to lineart it. Done sketching part 1 of the 2nd scene.I still need to do like 3-4 more scenes I think. I haven't even planned out the dialogue and EVERYTHING!! SOMEONE, SAVE ME!! The GDD will be done soon. I STILL haven't think of a title for my game.
I did this during my sleepless night yesterday.

I printed out so many templates! Going to print out more for MOAR DRAMA! I am so disorganise. You can tell how I lineart from one panel and jumped to another but that's how I work.
The 2 characters that I have coloured so far:
Vail(Left) and Kyros(Right)Hey wait, doesn't that kid on the right seem awfully familiar? I'm pretty sure his name isn't Kyros... Hmm... YES! I am a cheapskate so I used Alkane and renamed him Kyros JUST for this assignment! I mean, who will name their kids ALKANE?! Seriously. I haven't finished Kyros's shoes yet D: I'm too lazy to continue and I couldn't care less if he is dressed like the Singapore flag.
So that's it people. My 2nd day of term "break". I guess I should finish colouring his shoes and everything and then off to do my storyboard.
i am who i am
9:09 PM
Oh my long neglected blog!I have failed to update you yet again due to my busy schedule. Forgive me for being such a selfish person! *drama*
Pardon the drama people. I'm just being me. School has been very hectic for me. Work just keeps coming and coming. Knowing me, I usually does my things quite fast because I don't want things to pile up but still, the stress!! But nevertheless, the holidays are here! Yup! Next week. But oh wait. Something is amiss. I wonder what it is? Oh that's right!
I've got 4 assignments - POGD, Storyboarding, ICA 2 and the dreaded Colour Theory. I had a feeling that work is coming in tomorrow as well like always. Ah, being a Design Student is so much fun. You won't have enough sleep, have time to eat or even go out and HAVE A LIFE! But I'm not complaining! /sarcasm Actually, I kind of like POGD except having to write the Game Design Document(GDD) is a quite tedious. It's as tedious as writing the O-level coursework for Home Economics. Not saying I took Home econs but this is the only way I can explain to Home econs students.
I've been locked up in my prison a.k.a home a.k.a my room doing labour all the time. I need a life! I need this thing that people failed to understand called a "break". Seriously. I know that other courses have their projects and everything and that I have no rights to complain but believe me! It's not as easy as it sounds. I hardly eat when I have work to do. That includes snacks. Having food and a break is like, a prize for me. A luxury. The last time I had a break, I forgot how awesome having a break was.
Well, break is not going to happen anytime soon. Oh and I forgot to mention that I have like 3 tests as well after the break. So
Assignments + Studying = MOAR STRESS!*sigh*
I'm going to redo one of my work because I'm such a masochist. Just one more day of school...
i am who i am
6:12 PM