I'm totally ignoring what needs to be done right now. I'm quite done with my work but it still needs more brushing up but I SERIOUSLY have NO IDEA what to do next so, onwards to procrastinating on other works. Yay.
On a more serious matter.
I've been having negative feelings about myself lately. You see, being a Design Student, I know it's not going to be easy. In fact, I never said it was easy in the first place. There are others who are WAY better than me and that makes me lose confidence in myself sometimes.
Now that I'm in a Design course, I realised I have many weaknesses. For one, I can't seem to have unique ideas. Maybe I'm not thinking hard enough or maybe I'm just afraid I couldn't pull things off. I don't know. I am afraid to try new things, to break out of my comfort zone because I'm afraid that the results will look hideous or people may not like what I've come up with. I just feel that every time when I do my work, I did not do good enough. Is it because I expect too much of myself? I've never felt like this before. Perhaps being in a Design course makes me set high expections of my own. As much as I hate to be disappointed, I have no other choice.
Another thing is, now I'm in my 1st year in Poly. 2 more years later,(hopefully) I will graduate and I will probably be working. I just cannot imagine myself working in the Design Industry. I don't know how I will be in the years to come.Sometimes, I wonder if I'm making the correct choice. I mean, it's good that I know what I want to do but when I think about it, do I really fit in this kind of industry? With all the talented and experienced people around, I just don't know what to think of anymore.
i am who i am
9:59 PM
FINALLY! I am free to blog again! Damn homework and school has left me exhausted yet again and this is only the 3rd week. SCREW SCHOOL! D:
Anyway, met up with Mas for Lunch today at Hougang Mall. Too bad Indah and Hil couldn't come along. We ate steak at some coffee shop which I had forgotten the name :D Met at 3.15pm ++ I was stupid enough to wear slippers and ended up full of regrets as it was raining and I almost fell as the path was too slippery. I almost had the urge to just walk barefooted.
Reached the place and order food. I ordered Lamp Chop and Mas ordered Ribs. Of course, as a typical Asian, I took pictures. Only 2 because I'm not into taking pictures of FOOD. The steak was okay except it is hard and if I were to be in an etiquette class, I would have flunk badly. My wrists and arms got some exercise so that's the good thing.
My Lamb chop with mashed potatoes. I hate veggies >_<
What Mas ordered. Her ribs.Yeah and one of the stallholder came to us and lectured us about
PROPER etiquette. SCREW YOU MAN! Let us eat the steak in peace! We're in a coffee shop not some fine restaurant!
After we ate, went to Popular to buy Black stamp pad for my homework. Had to walk back and forth to the CD shop, Challenger, CD Shop again and then Challenger again. I was looking for new Headphones! I wanted those big ones but not too big. I wanted a stylish one as well but I couldn't find anything that look decent so I got a black and red one instead. It cost $33. If I know I wanted to buy Headphones today, I should have borrowed my dad's Challenger membership card.

Also, I bought this really cool umbrella with neat design. Okay okay fine I admit it. I bought this thing JUST FOR THE COOL DESIGN. This IS THE LAST PIECE! There are 3 that looked like wine bottles and I wanted to buy one of them because it had a really cool design but it's too big to fit in my bag. The rest just look cute. I don't want cute and kiddish things right now.

It looks like a bottle here but it's actually an umbrella. The umbrella is black with red patterns.
I wanted to buy this egg clock-speaker thing but I need some sort of wire which they don't sell so I didn't buy it. I REALLY WANTED THE EGG THING JUST BECAUSE! IT'S CUTE!! D:
i am who i am
9:19 PM
MY BLOG IS SUPER DEAD!! Damn schoolwork is preventing me from blogging.
Technically, I have no school today but because of CCA orientation I have to go. So basically, we play games. Yeah. The best part is the last game we played where the seniors will play a song from an anime and we draw a character, symbol or whatever related to that anime. They played 8 songs and out of those 8 songs, I only listened to 2 and watched 2 animes. Mostly mainstream. Yeah I don't watch mainstream. I ruined most of the characters lol.
Anyway, that was the plus point. The bad point is I have another scar on my knee due to a scrape. Nothing much. It will heal soon I hope.
That's much it really. As time goes by, I lost the motivation to blog. Perhaps I will blog again soon. I'm so busy with work lately I even forgot the day and time! OH GOD!
i am who i am
8:38 PM