Hey people! I haven't update for a very long time due to homework. I still have some homework left. I SHOULD be doing them RIGHT NOW but I'm lazy. I will do them later. I HAVE TO! I will probably update my blog once a week now.
So! Time passes so slow this week which is a good thing I suppose since it will give me more time to complete my homework. I have homework every single day but I'm not complaining. It's only 1 homework PER day. I just don't want 2++ homework per day. I don't know how I will cope with that.
Friday's lesson was interesting. The lecturer talked to us for 3 hours! And it's not in those lecture hall. It's in the drawing studio and we sat on wooden benches which leads to most of us having butt cramps. The lecturer taught us to draw a perfect circle with a certain technique. Most of us couldn't draw circle and we feel like noobs. We practically, grouped ourselves and struggled to draw circles. AHAHAHA...*sigh* I still haven't do the homework yet.
Here's a pic. I drew this on Tuesday before I go to school at 4pm!! The last 2 were drawn on Thursday while waiting for my friends to finish their lunch. I wanted to have a CD-cover look with cool looking designs except I find it hard to draw accessories and poses on guys without making them look gay. Too lazy to correct mistakes.

PS - I'm addicted to bass guitar!!
i am who i am
11:33 AM
Photo shoot Day 1Yesterday, we went to do our photo shoot outside of the Supreme Court. Our plan was to me at 10AM. What really happened was we ended up meeting at 11.30AM. Knowing us, this was bound to happen. Took the train to Clarke Quay and when we went out of the train station, it started to rain. Being the awesome person that I am, I wanted to go to Kino at Liang Court. Walked all the way there from the train station. I got the 6th book of the Maximum Ride series. I still has yet to read it.
After the rain stopped, we slacked for awhile at Clarke Quay and went to the Supreme Court. Took a bunch of photos and miraculously, I actually did quite okay for a noob. Some tourists thought Veena is a cosplayer to which I said no. At around 5pm, we packed up as it was starting to rain. When we were about to leave the Supreme Court, it started raining. First a drizzle, then heavy rain and we ended up at the Cool-looking Macdonalds or so I called it. It looked like a little inn...in a way. Being broke and poor, we ate 6 pieces of nuggets and drank some plain water (Veena got a block of ice XD). By 6 pieces of nuggets, I mean we shared our food.
So people! Bring money next time when you go out or you're going to end up like us! Pathetic I know.
We left at about 6.30PM when the rain wasn't so heavy. End of our day.
Reached home and did a little doodling while listening to the same song over and over again as it gives me inspiration. I don't know why the pic is so dark and no I did not draw in the dark. The light in my room was switched on.
I Can't believe I still have the energy to doodle!Photo Shoot Day 2Again, our intention was to meet earlier but we ended up meeting at around 12PM. Went to Burger King at City Hall to have our lunch. Then we walked all the way to Marina Square which apparently had a black out. It was awesome! XD Veena wanted the photo shoot to be held near the Singapore Flyer. I LOVE THAT PLACE! It has no people and so quiet. You can just shout or do stupid things AND NO ONE WILL KNOW OR NOTICE!! That's how quiet it was. Plus there's the sea :D
HOWEVER! Today was not my day. I realised that I can't take photos with perspectives or complicated background. It screws everything up. Veena's camera died and we ended up having to use my phone's camera. Noob photography indeed but she said I took it better when I use my phone's camera. By the way, we saw a bird that kinda looked like an Eagle although I'm not too sure if it was but it makes an eagle sound so it might be an eagle! But I don't know. It just looked cool. It was kinda big. Wonder how it'll look like if it's near us.

The wind was preventing it from flying forward.
We cabbed down to the Cool Macdonalds again and this time, we had 9 pieces of nuggets! It was more than yesterday!
Nuggets are good after a long day!Also, V saw one auntie, who took like 90% of the packets of sugar and shoved it in her bag after ordering a meal. Went home at after that.
Going to school tomorrow to collect my Student Card and most probably going out on Friday. My weekends are for me to rest so I'm not going to go out no matter what!
i am who i am
8:56 PM
Went to school with Carol for a lecture today. Woke up at 8am. Usually, when I took a shower, I will come out of the bathroom 15-20 mins later but today, I came out at 8.30am. Wow. I didn't know I took that long. Carol told me she wanted to give me something. I feel bad because I didn't get anything for her.
She gave me HXH mouse pad and a little Killua sticker. Now I have like 4 merchandise of HXH. It makes me sad to know that there are less merchandise of HXH here. *sigh* I'm such a HXH tard.
We reached pretty early, and here I thought we were going to be late. The lecture was 2 hours. Pretty okay I guess. After that, my classmates went to lunch while Carol and I went home. So here's the thing. I went out with only a sling bag and went home with like 3 bags? 3 bags is not a big deal eh? WRONG! It is a big deal when one of them is full of Art Materials and is heavy. My bag wasn't that light either. I had to travel to Hougang Mall with those bags, buy lunch for 3 people which adds more to my load and go to the store located near my house to get other stuff. Good thing there's a lift near my house or I'm gonna die climbing the stairs with that much load. It was a pretty good exercise or so I might say.
I will be busy for the whole of this week. Why must my last week of holidays be such a busy week?
By the way, this year for the SIDM students, we will have a report book aka portfolio and we can be creative with our portfolio. The thing is, I'm not good at designing my own portfolio. I'll just make something up somehow. But 3 can be from our own works while the rest must be from our assignments. I think the minimum work they want is 10? I hope I'm able to do good work.
i am who i am
8:38 PM
Dead blog is dead. I have nothing interesting to post. Actually, I do but I'm too lazy to type out everything.
Next week is going to be a busy week for me. Then when school starts, I can say sayonara to my life. I HATE MY TIMETABLE! I want Carol's timetable D:
Speaking of school, I still have no idea what to join as my CCA when school starts. FUCK. I am probably going to join a club or something. I don't know. I AM NOT JOINING something related to Art because when you're in a design course and your hobby is Art, it is not helping to relieve stress AT ALL. There goes my life. I just wish I'm good at something else. I'm too afraid to pursue new things. I'm just afraid I would not be good enough or suited for that certain activity. Yeah I know I'm in my comfort zone but I don't know. I just need to make sure I'm 100% into something. But either way, I do hope I will make the right choice.
i am who i am
8:54 PM
Orientation done! Woots!
Next is a lecture on the 12 April. Get my student card on the 15 April and then school on the 19 April. Ah~ So fast. I don't want assignments.
So today, was kinda fun. Mix around a little more than yesterday. I don't know what else to say except I saw a lot of people that looked like the people in my secondary school. Walking around the campus can be so troublesome at times and I still have no idea what CCA to join when school starts. *baw*
But anyway, just yeah. They had a talk about some tablet and I wonder if I should get one. They say you need it in 2nd year so either way, we still have to buy it in the end. It's around $550++. Art materials are so expensive. Not to mention getting a laptop as well. My money is so going to be little now. *sigh* As much as I hate to sacrifice my hard-save money, I've got no choice. Maybe I should have a talk with bro and dad and see what they think.
i am who i am
7:42 PM