BEACH!So yesterday, Veena, Carol, Siew ting and I headed down to the beach at Sentosa.
We were told to meet at 10am at Compass point. What really happen was, Carol was late hour. Head to Vivo, bought some food and off to the beach. One part of the beach had hardly anyone while the other is slightly livelier. After finding a spot, we lay our mats on the sand.
We had to shift 2 times. At first, we laid our mats on some sunny patch so, we moved it to somewhere shady. However, the sun wasn't on our side and we felt really hot so we decided to move somewhere where there are more shade. Yup! I couldn't even wear my slippers as it was too hot. Eat some food. Played some
violent cookie game and ate our cupcakes as it was already melting. Cupcakes were made by me and Veena on Friday. I wanted to make some Suikoden Tierkreis cupcakes which obviously failed. Lol. Carol somehow find it cute. All of them died on the picnic day itself especially Liu. His chin and sideburns were chipped off. OMG Carol took pics of my ugly cupcakes.
Anyway,here is the pic of the cupcakes I took.

I ate Xebec(orange hair) He crumbles so easily but still very good. Carol ate Liu and Roberto. Veena's cupcakes stained teeth while mine doesn't. THANK GOD! Or else, whoever ate my cupcakes are going to have colourful teeth.
After eating cupcakes, we ate Orange Ice lollies. Explored the other side of the beach. Took some pictures.

I didn't take much. The rest will be uploaded in my FB.
After exploring, we rest awhile and took more retarded photos before going home. Reached home at around 9.15pm.
i am who i am
3:15 PM
Suikoden TierkreisI've finished playing Suikoden Tierkreis for the 2nd time!! WHOOO!! I'm SO NOT going to play that game again. I had my fun. I'm done and I am tired of having to go through all that crap to recruit everyone especially Namna (although he was easier to recruit the 2nd time round) and having to travel to those HUGE dungeons only to run into a dead end.
Mount Svatgol, Tower of Way, Statue of the One KingDuring the credits, I look at the name of the voice actor who is voicing Roberto (because I was stupid enough NOT to when I played the game for the first time and I can't find the names of the voice actors online)
Julie Lemieux. So I thought
"Huh? Julie? Isn't that a girl's name? That can't be right?"I got on wiki to do some research and this is what I've found
Julie Lemieux (born December 4, 1962) is a Canadian voice actress and director from Toronto.
Uhh wait! Voice actress? Roberto's voiced by a Woman?
At that time, I still refused to believe that she's Roberto's voice actor because she voiced characters like Mariah from Beyblade and Runo from Bakugan so it's kinda hard to believe. I take a look at some other voices she did and one of them is
Hunter Steele from
Spider Riders. I MADE myself to watch the first episode of that anime. Conclusion: Hunter DOES sound like Roberto.
Roberto IS voiced by a WOMAN. That was totally unexpected and it caught me off guard. I mean, Roberto sounded like a brat teenage boy to me. Who would expect that a WOMAN is the one who voiced him but seriously WOW.
It's not that I find it a big deal that he is voiced by a woman. It's just that, it's amazing! With voices like that, I think hardly anyone would be able to tell that a woman is the one who voiced him. I admire voice actors seriously because for them to do those different voices is just amazing.
I'm sorry that I nerd about Suikoden again but I can't help it. It just shocked me you know?
One another note, I'm baking Cupcakes with Veena this Friday? I can't even remember! We're going to decorate faces on it! I can't wait! Picnic on Saturday! I HOPE IT DOESN'T RAIN!! Orientation is just next week! OMG!! NERVOUS!
i am who i am
6:16 PM
*revives dead blog*
My life has been too dull that I can't even write anything without making your guys fall asleep half-way through.
I've been too busy helping Rohaizad with his Student council poster that what I had planned to do today was ignored. I wanted to draw something proper today, but since I'm busy with "work", I guess I have to put it on hold. Well, doesn't matter. I'm doing this just because and if you don't get elected...*RAGE*
Just kidding
At 8pm, I followed bro to Hougang Mall as I wanted buy shoes from Cotton on because the previous one I bought were too big for me. It's 2 for $25 but I can only find a pair and I don't want to buy any other fruity colours so in the end, I didn't buy any. I didn't bother looking at the stuff that were on sale at the 1st level but something caught my eye. A strawberry-themed pencil case. I mean how cool is that? It's strawberry and it's only $1. I searched for more stuff and found a strawberry-themed purse which is also for $1. I just buy the purse on impulse. There's so many things I want like those full set of coloured pens for $5.90, a giant clothes peg, a round bird/frog cup but it's glass so no. Turned out I didn't buy any of those. I bought the purse and pencil case.
Going to the beach next week so I had to get myself a pair of flip flops. Plain flip-flops are plain. FYI, I don't wear flip flops so there's a first time for everything :D
Walked around and went home after that. Here's the pic of my strawberry-related items.

Bro asked me why I liked strawberries so much because I certainly don't like them when I was young.
My answer: I don't know? I just find them cute?
Well, goodnight. I need to get back to drawing sooner or later.
i am who i am
9:36 PM
Medical CheckupWoke up at 8am today thinking that I was going to the bank with dad but in the end, he had forgotten all about it but he said he will send the letter to the bank for me.
Met up with Carol IN THE BUS as it was raining heavily and I find it too troublesome to walk all the way to the bus stop near her house. Instead, I waited for the bus at my bus stop. Everything went smoothly. The doctors were nice. We took our X-ray first and then we had to wait until 2pm for some other examinations. After the examination, I accompanied her to UOB at Hougang Mall. I also wanted to grab some grub. After that went home.
Now I'm left with a few more stuff and I'm done!! I can't wait for these papers to be mailed back to NYP and cribes my orientation is at the end of this month!! I'm scared!
Currently working on a piece on and off. I'm actually sick of it but I will TRY to complete it. MUST DRAW BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS AS IF I WERE TO DIE!!
When I was the last time I watched Reborn anyway?
Abusing "..." is fun...
You know what? I'm outta here
i am who i am
5:35 PM
30 mins!Just 30 more mins until my show starts.
There's so much shit that needs to be done and the deadline is next week!!
Aside from all the drama that is going on, I finally managed to come out of my Art block thank god for that! Drew something but I don't think I'm going to like it.
SUIKODEN TALK! I don't think any of you will understand or even bother on what I'm going to say so, you can ignore the post below.
Completed Suikoden Tierkreis about 2-3 days ago. The last boss was quite a challenge for me but I managed to pull it through. So much for buying tons of Revival Statues and Cure potions. Thought they have something extra added since I've got all 108 stars but no. Sad I know and to think I've slaved myself getting all the 108 stars only to get nothing in return.
So many characters to like :) I'm glad I played the game. I want eye-candies! SHUSH PEOPLE! I have my needs. I do wish that Atrie can be recruited though. From the moment, Atrie was being introduced to the game until after the final boss battle, the only thing I said about Atrie was "AWW, ATRIE IS SO CUTE!!" *fangirls* Bet my bro is sick of that but HE IS CUTE!! Leave me alone
But my favourite scene is when Tsaubern tickled Buchse. I mean seriously. Too bad they didn't exactly show it in the game but damn it I want to see that scene in ANIMATED FORM!
end of nerd talk
I should stop being such a nerd. I'm going to watch some telly now before I nerd more about Suikoden
i am who i am
6:24 PM
OOPS! SUIKODEN TALK!So,a few months ago, I refused to play Suikoden Tierkreis because my bro played it. I don't like playing the same game as my bro.
But then, boredem killed me last week and I just had to play the game. I played Suikoden 2 and it is good so why not play Tierkreis too right?
So far so good. I've been spending 99.9% on the game and 0.01% on food, TV and bathroom break. Awesome aren't I? DAMN GAME IS JUST TOO ADDICTING!!! GOOD LOOKING GUYS :D
1st MarchToday, went out with Veena, Gerlene and Carol to Raffles City Mall to look at Veena's work that was published for the NOISE thing. I GET TO SEE A DRUM UP-CLOSE DAMN IT!! I should have taken the picture for drawing reference but nooo. There were a bunch of girls posing with the guitar and whatnot and I had to leave then Actually, I didn't know if you can take pics or not until I had to leave!
Afterward, we went walked around at Marina Square and I was MADE to change into a girly outfit. We planned to eat at Pizza Hut and I shouted PAAAASTA~ like Italy from Hetalia and I get a "WHAT?" from Gerlene and Veena. Ate Spaghetti and lots of things happened at Pizza hut. We went to Suntec afterwards.
At Suntec, we split up. Gerlene + Veena = Clothes while Carol + Me = Anime. I didn't buy anything!
Went PS before going home. I wanted to go alone to check on the figurines but Carol and Veena wanted to tag along. Gerlene went home first because she felt ill. I hope you are alright. Nothing much at PS either so we went home.
My journal is getting shorter and I get lazier and lazier as time goes by.
Saw a REBORN postcard with the main characters as band members! I WANNA DRAW SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!! but with my own characters... Hopefully...
i am who i am
12:08 AM