Guess what I've got :) + MORE FAIL
Yesterday, I accompanied Veena to the MOE to get her O-level results slip printed. But of course, when we're together, there will always be a FAIL and what a better way to start it right when we got off the train eh?
So what happened was we had 2 directions - Go down the escalator or Go to a bridge. What we did was go down the escalator. Turns out that the MOE is on the other side. So okay, cross the road then. Yeah we could IF there is a traffic light but wait, there isn't because it is a MAIN ROAD hence, we were forced to walk god knows where to find a freaking traffic light and then walk all the way to MOE. It was a good exercise :)
O HAI I'm an Art student.It didn't take us long to get the slip printed. Her number was 6023. My birthday anyone? :D On our way back to the train station, we realised that the bridge is actually the way to get to the MOE without having to walk god knows where for a traffic light. So in conclusion, we FAIL when it comes to direction
So after that, we went to Peninsular to get my Jeans. I got a pair of jeans and a plait(?) shirt. It's red and it looks good :) Went to Raffles City to buy some more girl tops and saw this really cute Apple and Lemon hair clips >w< I didn't buy the strawberry necklace yet again. Don't even know if I will be buying them. Next, we went to PS to eat. Looked at some Figurines and saw Vocaloid Nendoroids Petit full set. I wanted to buy them but I didn't. Next we went to Somerset. Looked at some clothes but didn't buy any. Veena bought red shoes. I told Veena that I want to go back to buy the figurines.
Went back and went into
that-shop-that-has-Chucky-on-display to look something for bro and she saw someone :D She went high. Went to Movie Replica and bought the Nendoroids. Fucking thing cost $200 D: After that, went home happy and hyper.
The bad thing about buying these nendoroid is that, I don't have any place to display them!! I only display 3 so far. Kaito and the Twins. I'm biased. Took some photos with my dad's camera but I'm not going to spam them here so, here, have a Kaito (unedited ver)
Spent more than $300 yesterday D: NUUUUU!!!
i am who i am
10:24 AM
DreamI know I've mentioned about Dreams before but this one's different.
Again, it's nothing to do with my ambition.
So apparently, I've been having the same dream for 2 days. This has not only happen once. It's like 2 days ago, a dream occurred, and then yesterday, the same dream occurred again except whatever that happened in the dream has extended a little. Talk about Fatal Frame 3.
I don't know if this had ever happened to any of you but I just find it really creepy. The good thing however is that my dream is not in any way related to real life or my life :D Okay wait, it did but it didn't make sense so I guess that's good.
I don't know why these dreams occurred in the first place. The dreams doesn't even make sense.
I don't know what's going on anymore.
i am who i am
9:36 PM
CNY OutingJust so you know there won't be any pics at all.
At 12pm, met up with Gerald, Rohaizad, Peck Gek and Siew Ting at near my bus stop. Brendy was going to be late so we ended up going to Siew ting's house first. Gerald, Rohaizad and I were fascinated by her hamster, White. I was debating with the boys whether the hamster is a male or female. I guessed Female and the boys said Male. Turned out that White is a Male. I'm STILL pretty sure it's female but then again, I might be wrong *wants to be right*
White is a very light and...I DON'T KNOW!! It keeps slipping away from my hands!!
So anyway, we talked for a bit until Siew ting's mum returned home. Stayed awhile and then off to Gerald's house.
We took bus 88. Gerald, Rohaizad and I sat at the 2nd deck of the bus but as it was too crowded, the rest of us had to stand at the 1st level. Saw Ben and his NPCC cadets. It was creepy because we were sitting at different places - Gerald, sitting on the seat in front of Ben which is near at the back of the bus btw while Rohaizad and I were at the front of the bus near the stairs. The weird thing was, Ben even asked me from one end of the bus to another which course I'm going. It was embarassing since there were so many people and all.
Reached Gerald house, first thing we did was, watch some telly. Then, Rohaizad and I had to go to KFC to buy our food since his mom cooked non-halal stuff for us. It's okay because we already told Gerald we won't be eating at his house. I wore his slippers and my skin got scrapped off. Good thing I brought a box of plaster :D After that, we ate and after eating, we played some Mah Jong (No bets of course). I didn't know how to play so I watched. Then after awhile, I tried to play with the help of Brendy and Siew ting. Thanks girls :D After I got the hang of it, I tried playing alone. I did won a few times :D
We got carried away playing Mah jong XD. Siew ting had to go first followed by Peck Gek and then Brendy. I left with Rohaizad at 7.15pm.
AlSO, I made some discoveries today *crowd applause*
1st Discovery: I didn't know playing Mah Jong consumes that much energy
2nd Discovery: I didn't know playing Mah Jong can be so fun and addicting
3rd Discovery: I didn't know I FAIL AT COUNTING orz
4th Discovery: I learned to differentiate Chinese characters (1-9) :D
I'm so tired now. *hibernates*
i am who i am
8:30 PM
I WANT TO GET BETTER SOON!!! D: I wish my coughing would stop. It's so irritating!! *RAGE*
I don't really have anything interesting to blog about these days but I need to keep my blog alive somehow.
Remember in my earlier post I posted my chibi characters as a Band? Half of me said, no need to colour them but my other half said colour!! I go with the latter. I decided that, if I were to lineart and colour everything in one go, I will give up but if I were to separate the chibis, chances of me actually finishing it will be high. I can compile them after I've finished everything. Plus, I can practice more on CG-ing :D
So here's what I've done so far. I'm slow...AND THEY ARE ONLY CHIBIS!!

I did Alkane 2 days ago and completed colouring Leon(Blue haired boy) yesterday. ALKANE'S GUITAR STRINGS ARE SO NOT FUN TO DRAW D: I had a hard time trying to fit the strings together. There are a lot of flaws but I don't want to redo everything again. I asked my bro if I should leave the lineart as black or colour it. My bro said that colouring the lineart makes it look better so there it is. When I tried to colour the lineart on Leon's eyes, it looked weird. Now it just looks like he had eyeshadow or something *FAIL*
Another fail would be when I was looking at Leon this morning, I realised I gave him 6 fingers on his left hand *DOUBLE FAIL* It's fixed now
I started to lineart Satoshi yesterday after I had completed colouring Leon HOWEVER... I was listening to
THIS and HAD to draw Satoshi in the KIRA pose D:
Originally, I wanted it to be a quick doodle but it turned into a CG. I put off the chibi and did this instead.
I did... I really did...

Blue background is not really the best but whatever. I SO DO NOT IMAGINE SATOSHI SINGING THAT SONG :D
Nice way to take away his masculinity.
*rocks in corner*
i am who i am
3:51 PM
Drawing spam!! Not really... Like the title said.
Was chatting with Carol on MSN few hours ago and I just had to post these up. Whenever we chat, we will end up drawing weird crap XD
Kudos to her for having the patience to use a mouse. I didn't want to spam so I've compiled everything.

Mine is the top 5 and hers are the bottom 3. We drew just random stuff and I just don't want to draw properly. I tried to draw something manly, which failed obviously. I like Carol's Prinny! So cute!
As a bonus, I'll throw in some chibis. I'm so addicted to drawing chibis these days. I don't know why but I can't draw consistently. I had to resize the drummer dude, the dude playing the guitar next to him and the keyboardist. I hate drawing instruments but it was fun :D I was inspired by K-on to draw this although I've never watch K-on. Don't intend to. Don't ask why.
Alkane, Satoshi, Krauzette, Leon and Clovis! Together they make the S.L.A.C.K team! It's got nothing to do with anything. HELLO. I don't know how to draw people holding a guitar.
Colours to make it look more interesting :D Alkane was fun to draw like always
I'm coming down with a sore throat! WHY MUST FAMOUS AMOS COOKIES BE SO GOOD?!
i am who i am
11:43 PM
You know I am trying to be a little more girly when I bought girly clothes.
Which is what happened yesterday. Yup! Rejoice people!
Unfortunately, I had to get some bermudas for easy movements. So much for being girly orz
But that enough about that.
I'm not going to post a very long journal because I am too lazy to do so.
And, WHY MUST THE STRAWBERRY-PRINTED HOODIE BE OUT OF STOCK?! I saw 3 types at Peninsular. All of them are strawberry-printed hoodies but the colours defer. There are Red, Blue and Green but blue strawberries just looked unnatural? The green one clashes with the green leaves of the strawberry so I don't want it. WHY MUST THEY PUT IT ON DISPLAY IF IT'S OUT OF STOCK?! I WANT SOMETHING FRUITY AND COLOURFUL!! *bites people*
I finished watching
Bokuranoa few days ago and I was thinking if I should read the manga because I heard it's better? Such a sad anime but with an interesting plot. Haven't watch anything good in awhile. The opening is sounds good too! My new must-listen-to-this-song-everyday-until-I-get-tired-of-this-song song.
FUCK I spent more than $150 yesterday *headdesk*
i am who i am
10:56 AM
So, what are you trying to say?
HI. This will be an angry post so don't bother.
I smile on the outside but inside I'm hurt. He may or may not realise it but you know what? I don't even want him to know.
So what is up? Yesterday, he wanted me to show him the fanart drawing SO MUCH. I didn't really showed it to him but he saw a glimpse of it and this is the only thing he can say:
"Oh I saw XXX's retarded eye"So okay, I thought. I know it looks weird. I know it looks retarded but it is okay for me to call it retarded because I'm the douche who drew it so by calling my own drawing retarded, I won't feel bad. However, when a person who CAN'T EVEN FUCKING DRAW TO SAVE HIS FUCKING LIFE says that, it offended me. The least he can do is to give constructive criticism but no.
To make matters worse, he then added:
"You know, your own characters looked better than them(the fanart I drew)"D:
When he said my own characters looked better than the fanart I drew.
What the FUCK is he trying to say?
I mean, I drew the fanart in my own style. Then he said my characters looked better. It's like saying my style sucks and then contradicting himself.
I get really frustrated when people say things like that. I tried. I Failed. I know. But one thing, I don't like is when someone say things like these. I don't mind showing to those who will give constructive criticism or for those who really want to see what I drew.
Why do you think I hate showing people my drawings? I hate to know how others feel about what I drew.I just feel like I suck every time. I'm never happy with what I drew unless it is very decent. But I draw because I enjoyed it. It is my hobby and passion. It's the only thing I can do.
He totally spoilt my mood. I don't think I want to complete that fanart piece anymore. Way to go. I haven't picked up a pencil at all today...
Maybe I shouldn't show anyone my drawings anymore (unless I have to)
PS: I am pretty sure I didn't misunderstood what he said because the characters I drew in the fanart are not ugly characters. In fact, they are cute :) To me anyway.
i am who i am
7:51 PM
Last Minute outing with MasI received a message at around 10.30am. It was Mas, asking me if I could accompany her to Bras Basah to print her assignment-related things. I couldn't refuse. After all, we haven't met for so long I guess I should at least accompany her.
Met her at Hougang Mall MRT station. I was late :D Took the train to Dhouby Ghaut then City Hall and off to Bras Basah. Technically, she wanted to go the printing shop near NAFA/Laselle but I have no idea where it is. After printing her things, we went to PS to have our lunch. On our way there, there's this tourist and his wife who asked me the direction to take the train to go to Little India.
Tourist: Excuse me? Do you know which train do I take to get to Little India?
Me: You go up *points to stairs* know what? I'll bring you to the train station.
Tourist: Thank you.
I was walking fast for those tourists and Mas as well. Sorry. He was nice and talked to me. That is...until I have to spoil everything D:
Tourist:Wow, you Singaporeans are so nice
Me:Not really...
Tourist: I mean you do help tourist. It's kind of complicated here. (okay that's not what he said exactly but it is around there)
Me: Well, I had nothing to do anyway
Way to go...Maybe I'm just nervous? I don't know. After sending the tourists to the station, he thanked me and I went off. At least now you know, two things and that is, I can never give people straight directions and I CAN NEVER BE A FUCKING TOUR GUIDE!
Anyway, at PS, we saw Bryan and Bryant. Had our lunch at KFC. There were a bunch of girls laughing loudly at I don't know what. After lunch, walked around. Didn't buy any figurines. Went to Comics Connection and I saw a Mukuro fan! It looked cute but I didn't buy it although I intended to. A group of girls were fangirling about some idols? I heard one of them saying Arashi? But anyway, yeah irritating fangirls. I admit that I fangirl sometimes, but I usually remained calm in public because I know fangirling about 2D characters will attract attention and not only that, it seem stupid to do so in public.
But then again, fangirling over someone whom you know don't even exist IS STUPID! But what do I care? My fangirling-ness isn't so extreme. It will die down once I find something else that is interesting. *short attention span* Probably the reason why I don't have an idol.
Yeah, I ended up buying a poster. BUYING ON IMPULSE AGAIN! I'm going to blu-tac it to the wall.

YU YU HAKUSHO!!Old anime is old. Shut up! I bought it because they were in suits! The poster is in bad condition but there's only one piece left and I'm going to put it on the wall anyway!
Now if only there is a Hunter X Hunter poster. GON AND KILLUA!!! asdkasdlk
i am who i am
6:08 PM